Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009

Instalasi Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Herdon

Berikut tutorial yang dibuat secara sederhana, seadanya dan sebisanya :D

1. Siapkan CD / INSTALLER UBUNTU 8.04 Hardy Herdon

Cara mendapatkannya bisa langsung mendownload disini atau yang tidak mempunyai bandwidth lebih untuk men-download silahkan minta cdnya disini tetapi harus bersabar dan menunggu lebih lama lagi.

2. Installasi bisa melalui Windows atau Booting CD

Akan saya bahas disini Proses installasi melalui Windows

Proses installasi ini layaknya menginstall aplikasi biasa di windows yang sewaktu-waktu bisa anda Uninstall kalau mau berpaling lagi ke windows :D

- Masukan CD/Mount ISO Ubuntu 8.04

- Akan keluar tampilan seperti ini

Anda bisa memilih Install Inside Windows setelah itu tentukan dimana anda akan meng-installkan Ubuntu

Tekan install dan proses instalasi akan berjalan

Setelah selesai proses installasi selesai akan Reboot.

3. Yupppiiieee…. sekarang anda bisa langsung menikmati Ubuntu Hardy Herdon.

Mudahkan instalasi Linux ?? GO OPENSOURCE !!

Telepon Gratis dari Laptop

Telepon GRATIS kemana saja, langsung dari Laptop/PC kamu.

Caranya : cukup register dan install software kamu bisa telepon kemana saja (HP, Telepon Rumah, dll) Lokal ataupun Internasional.

Tertarik ingin mencoba ?

Aplikasi ini sudah dicoba ke beberapa operator lokal di Indonesia dan juga telepon rumah, semua menunjukan hasil yang cukup memuaskan dan suara yang cukup jernih walaupun terjadi delay beberapa detik saja.

Aplikasi ini mirip sekali dengan VOIP - Y!M Voice - Skype dan VoxOx memungkinkan Anda melakukan panggilan suara dan video dari PC ke berbagai perangkat seperti PC, ponsel - dengan nomor telepon, dll.

Cara Instalasi :

1. Sebelum anda melakukan instalasi sebaiknya anda men-download dulu aplikasi tersebut yang berkapasitas 25MB : Download VoxOx

2. Setelah anda selesai Download - Install aplikasi tersebut

3. Anda bisa mendaftar langsung setelah selesai Download, Pilih Sign Up for a Username

4. Silahkan anda Login sesuai dengan Username dan Password yang sudah anda daftarkan

4. Setelah semua proses login selesai akan masuk ke tampilan berikut ini

Perhatikan sudut kanan atas ada tertulis $V 120 (itu merupakan pulsa anda)

kalau habis bagaimana ? Silahkan membuatnya lagi :D

5. Bagaimana cara menggunakannya ? sampai bisa digunakan untuk menelpon

  1. Pilih Keypad
  2. Select your country you are dialing - Pilih Indonesia
  3. Tekan no Tujuan yang ingin anda hubungi
  4. Tekan tombol bergambar telepon

6. Akan muncul gambar seperti dibawah ini, setelah selesai tunggu beberapa saat

  1. Terdapat tulisan Ringing 0116221xxxxxxx dan tunggu beberapa saat, Anda akan mendengarkan bunyi dari Telepon Rumah, HP Anda.
  2. Tekan Hang Up untuk menutup telepon

Silahkan anda mencoba dan mengutak-atik sendiri, siapa tau anda menemukan fitur-fitur lainnya. Saya sudah mencoba aplikasi ini untuk dikoneksikan dengan Y!M, Facebook, dll.

Selamat Mencoba :)

Tidak lupa saya ucapkan Terima Kasih kepada mamin86 - Kaskuser yang sudah memberikan informasi ini, berikut adalah Original Post-nya : hari gini bisa telpon gratis tanpa biaya ke seluruh dunia

Terima Kasih juga saya ucapkan untuk teman-teman Kaskuser lainnya yang sudah ikut mencobanya.

Thanks : JoybookHolic @ KASKUS


Berikut driver Vista Untuk MSI WIND U100 :

VGA Driver

Audio Driver

LAN Driver

Wireless LAN Driver

Bluetooth Driver

SATA Driver

Synaptic Driver

Bios Update MSI Wind U100


BIOS Type AMI BIOS File Size 817KB
Version 1.09 Update Date 2008-10-22
Description Update BIOS
Download n011_109.zip

Published on : EV

EV’s Guide to Flashing the 1.09 Bios for the MSI Wind in Windows XP and Vista

CAUTION: Although this method is proven to be the most successfully consistent, its not a surefire method and those not willing to take the technical risk of temporarily or permanently screwing up their machine should not proceed.

However, this is an official MSI release available on their website and therefore they legally must support any issues you have with the upgrade. Thanks MSI!

Step 1 ) As flashing the bios is an inherently risky procedure it is important that you are running on AC power and that your MSI Wind battery is removed to prevent any potential power issues during the update. Shut Down your Wind, remove the battery, and boot to Windows on wall power only.

Step 2 ) Download this package which contains the 1.09 official bios, and a modified version of the winflash utility for flashing your bios in Windows.

Step 3 ) To be safe turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and disconnect all peripherals from your Wind. Close any virus scanners or 3rd party firewalls that might inadvertently interrupt or cause errors during the bios flashing process. Program your power button to shut down the machine (rather than standby or hibernate).

Step 4 ) Unzip the package and create a folder in your C Drive called FLASH. Paste the files from the downloaded package into the FLASH folder.

Step 5 ) Click the Start button, click Run… and type CMD and press OK. This will launch a DOS-like command prompt in a window. Type CD\ at the prompt to return to the core directory and then type CD FLASH to change to the C:\FLASH directory. Type RUNFLASH to execute the batch file that will update your Bios. Wait patiently for the flash to complete. Once done you will be back at the command prompt in C:\FLASH. Type EXIT. If your keyboard is not working at this stage don’t panic, just shut down your computer using your mouse or press your power button.

Step 6 ) Shut Down your machine and remove the wallpower for 20 seconds.

Step 7 ) Reinstall the battery and boot your machine to Windows ensuring USB, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Keyboard and Mouse are all functioning. Refer Troubleshooting at the end of this guide if you experience issues during this step. If your computer doesn’t boot at all (won’t displya bios flash screen) and you have additional RAM see the troubleshooting section.

Step 8 ) Reboot your Wind and enter your bios (Press DEL when you see the MSI splash screen) - navigate to the Advanced tab and where it says DOC you can select between an 8%, 15% and 24% overclock. Also make sure Speedstep is set to Enabled as this will allow your Atom to run at a lower clock when idling.

I advise starting DOC with 8% to make sure that your Wind can handle this overclock and work your way up to 24% (1984MHz c.f. 1600MHz stock) if you wish. Users with upgraded good quality RAM (such as Corsair) will be able to achieve a higher overclock setting with stable results.

Press F10 to save and exit the bios.

Once in Windows, and running on AC Power, pressing Fn+F10 should display ‘Turbo On’ and your Power LED should turn Orange. You are now running an overclocked Wind!

Note: As an added bonus when running on Battery Power and pressing Fn+F10 for Eco Mode you power LED will turn green. So now you can tell whether you are in Eco, Normal or Turbo modes just by looking the power LED color!

- If your Wind doesn’t boot try disconnecting all power sources (battery, wallpower) for 20 seconds or holding down the Power button for 10 seconds with AC Power connected.
- If you have additional RAM you need to disable Onboard Memory in the bios. You can display the bios splash screen by holding down Esc and pressing the power on button. You will still need to press Del once you see the MSI splash screen. Alternatively try removing the additional RAM module and booting into the bios (press DEL when the MSI splash screen appears). In the Advanced tab ensure that Onboard Memory is disabled then reinstall your additional RAM and reboot.
- Try enabling/disabling AHCI in bios.
- If you don’t see the ‘Turbo On’ icon (as per the pic in this post, except without a fast looking mouse) then you probably need to install the System Control Manager from MSI’s support site here.
- Refer MSI Wind Forums if these methods don’t work.